Today is 'Pink Shirt Day' to show a no-tolerance stand for bullying in our school and community. We couldn't wear a pink shirt today so we decided to make our own! We came up with our own slogans for our shirts and then gave them some sparkle...they look good enough to wear!! Our slogens were
No bullying here
No bullying school
Bullying; not my future
Be nice, play nice
Bullying free zone
Leave me alone...(No bullying here)
We think it is an important message and one that every person needs to understand! Bullying is not cool nor acceptable!
Bullying is NOT nice and I like the shirts. I don't want there to be bullying at school. KG Rm17
Love your shirts room 17. You are so right, bullying is NOT nice. You have sent a clear message that Bulling is NOT acceptable and something you will take a stand against to keep you all safe. Well done!
Bullying is NOT nice and I like the shirts. I don't want there to be bullying at school. KG Rm17
Love your shirts room 17. You are so right, bullying is NOT nice. You have sent a clear message that Bulling is NOT acceptable and something you will take a stand against to keep you all safe. Well done!
The shirts look wonderful.we have to be safe at school by not benign bulled.They are great words to wright no your t-shirt.great work room 17
HS 17
i like the t-shirts kh
Love the pick t shirts room 17.
I like pink. by N.B
if your friend bes mean its always ok because they will still be your friend
k.c rm17
if your friend bes mean its always ok because they will still be your friend
k.c rm17
if your friend bes mean its always ok because they will still be your friend
k.c rm17
if your friend bes mean its always ok because they will still be your friend
k.c rm17
i hope there aren't any more bullies and then we can make friends and enjoy school
K.C Room17
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